If you've ever seen Jimmy Fallon on a Friday night, you'll know that his "Thank You Notes" segments are HI-LAR-I-OUS!!!!!!!! So, here's your warning....I'm not near as funny as JF...or really even 1/10 as funny as he is. But I do love his "Thank You Notes" and wanted to do a little "Thank You Notes" segment of my own.
1. Thank you, inventor of Pinterest, for creating a site that consumes my free time...
2. Thank you, Claire, for inviting me to join Pinterest last summer....
3. Thank you, Pinterest, for making this "Martha Stewart wanna-be" look like I actually know what I'm doing...and for making me look like I'm a genius when it comes to crafts around my home and trying new recipes...
If you are not on Pinterest, you need to be. My husband first viewed it as a waste of time (much like he views Facebook).....but he quickly learned that I could find recipes for things he likes as well as find different styles of home things (kitchen styles, bathrooms, homes in general), and he likes it a lot more now and doesn't {always} view it as a waste of time.
Pictures will follow of some of my Pinterest creations....