Thursday, March 15, 2012

Is it just me????

Is it just me, or does everyone have days where they can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely?  I've been having those days a lot.  I'm always around my husband and my two kids...and on days when I work, I see different friends.  But still, I feel very lonely.  {Sad subject, I know.....don't wanna be, but I guess just expressing my thoughts helps...???}

I've figured out that while I do have friends, I don't really have people that I hang out with or get to talk to very much....I don't have those girl friends that I go out with or anything.  I'm a wife and a mother and, in my mind, I feel like I have to sacrifice everything else to be with them.  ---Don't get me wrong....I adore my husband and I wouldn't trade being his wife for anything.....I can't imagine my life without my children and am so honored God chose me to be their mommy.---  I do wish I had those girls, though, that I could turn to when I just need an hour to away to refresh and catch my breath.

However, the girls my age are either a) not married, b) married without kids, or c) married with kids and have other groups of friends...add in to all of that everyone having work schedules and what not.

I think this all hit me the hardest a few weeks ago.  The series at church was called "You+" and the first week focused on "you + friends" and having those friends that know you and understand you...those friends you can turn to for anything....those friends who are there for you and you don't have to even say a word....those friends who you are there for.  They help with your spiritual growth...with your emotional health.  So many times, I don't really know who to turn to for those things.

I also felt this "lonely feeling" last weekend.  I was shopping because my sister sent me a "happy" (as my mother-in-law calls things you send or give to people just because you know it will make them smile) in the mail, so I used what she sent me.  And while I was shopping, all I could think of was how much I wanted someone (mainly my sister) with me to just chat with and spend time with.  That led to me to missing my brother and sister even more.  That in and of itself is a huge, vicious seems like every time I get to talk to one or both of them, the amount I miss them gets worse.  Or maybe it's just because I haven't seen them since January...and for me, this is the longest I've ever gone without seeing my little brother.  Pathetic, I know.......

So, pretty much all I was asking was whether or not those feelings of loneliness even while being surrounded by people were normal.......or is it just me?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wedding Bells {were} Ringing!!

Almost 2 [count 'em, 2] months later and I'm finally posting about my little brother's wedding.  Lame on my part....what can I say, though.  Life happens!
The four "original" Rube's
Can I just start off by saying that I'm the luckiest gal in the world to have such an amazing family!!  My parents are, without a shadow of a doubt, the best ever.  (Now, I may not show it to them or say it near enough...but it's true.)  They do everything in their power to make sure my brother and I have the things that mean the most and that we well as have the thing we want.  They want us to be happy...just as any parent wants for their child(ren) to be happy.
My parents
The best representation of my brother and me.  So happy this special moment was captured.
And my brother....yes, let's talk about him.  He's my best friend.  He's always always always been there for me. He's been my protector.  He's such an amazing uncle to my two little boys.  While Gabriel was little, he was for sure Gabriel's best friend, too.  They have such an incredible bond.  I am more proud of him than I feel I've ever expressed.
Love this guy!
I even get to include my sister in this!!  My little bro has married such an amazing woman.  She is the kindest, sweetest, most incredible woman.  She, along with my brother, loves my children [and spoils any good aunt should do!]  She encourages me, prays for me, and lets me know she cares.  I am honored to call her my sister and friend.
Claire and me...finally have a sister!!!

{{{end sappiness.................for now}}

So, here's the scoop on the wedding.  Can we just start off with how GORGEOUS it was?!  *Not only was the weather outside incredible for it being the first weekend in January, but every detail of the wedding is so beautiful...from the rehearsal, to the pictures, to the ceremony, to the reception.*  Sheer perfection.  :)  We had a "family only" photo session at the church before pictures.  A&C did a first peek, we did family pictures, then we boarded the bus and headed to Grant's farm for wedding party pictures.  {{Huge shout out to Mike and Cara Daniel and Exquisite Images Photography for capturing the amazing and magical moments that day!!  So blessed to have them as such great friends!!}}  Came back to church for the ceremony (couldn't keep my eyes dry the whole time!!!!), did more pictures after the ceremony, then boarded the bus again to head to the reception where we all laughed, cried, ate, cried some more, and danced the night away!!
The happy couple!!!
The day was a beautiful celebration of God's love, the love of Adam and Claire, and the love of family.  I am truly blessed.
A new family portrait!!

Junior professor? :)  *Gabriel before the ceremony*

Monday, January 30, 2012

Thank You notes....

If you've ever seen Jimmy Fallon on a Friday night, you'll know that his "Thank You Notes" segments are HI-LAR-I-OUS!!!!!!!!  So, here's your warning....I'm not near as funny as JF...or really even 1/10 as funny as he is.  But I do love his "Thank You Notes" and wanted to do a little "Thank You Notes" segment of my own.

1.  Thank you, inventor of Pinterest, for creating a site that consumes my free time...
2.  Thank you, Claire, for inviting me to join Pinterest last summer....
3.  Thank you, Pinterest, for making this "Martha Stewart wanna-be" look like I actually know what I'm doing...and for making me look like I'm a genius when it comes to crafts around my home and trying new recipes...

If you are not on Pinterest, you need to be.  My husband first viewed it as a waste of time (much like he views Facebook).....but he quickly learned that I could find recipes for things he likes as well as find different styles of home things (kitchen styles, bathrooms, homes in general), and he likes it a lot more now and doesn't {always} view it as a waste of time.

Pictures will follow of some of my Pinterest creations....