Slackers of the universe unite! (Or, maybe it's just me being a slacker....hmm...) So, it's been over a year since my last post and, whew boy, a lot has happened!! Here's the skinny:
-ok, so I'm not as skinny as I was in my last post. (Boo hiss to that....but I'm working on it!!)
-G just finished second grade and C just finished his first year of preschool {SLOW DOWN!!!}
-we're looking to buy a home [talk about STRESSFUL!!!]
-M is still working at the college and high school
I guess that's all.....oh wait, one more....
I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited that I'll be teaching fifth grade next year!!!!!!!!!! {Can you sense my excitement? No, not yet? Here, I'll help you understand: YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}Ok, I'm done with the exclamation points. :) I am beyond thankful, excited, grateful, and am most certainly PRAISING God that I've been given this opportunity! While summer (for us) has barely started, I've already been busy! Here's a taste of the things I've made (I can take no credit for any of these....all Pinterest ideas):
These are some beauties that will go in my classroom library. |
Some classroom management signs. |
Some inspirational signs for the classroom. |
Some more goodies! |
A cute little "goodbye" sign and "the teacher's prayer" for my desk. |
This lovely one is the only one I can take {partial} credit classroom theme is "birds of all feathers flock together", so I did my own twist on the noise level chart for the classroom using different bird calls. :) |
I've made plenty of other things (all Pinterest ideas, of course), but I'm being too lazy to get them out right now. And, can I just say this......thank
goodness for the small Scotch Thermal Laminator that I purchased a couple of years ago! I'm a laminating
One more thought before I "sign off" for the day.....for those of you who are teachers, might I suggest cataloging your classroom library books?! I just did that (you know, print out a card to put in a little pocket in the front of the book with the title/author that the kiddos will take out of the book and put in their "library pocket" in the room)....great way to keep track of books, whether it's the end of the year and you'd like to know who still has a book in their box or you're looking for a certain book for a read-aloud!!
Happy day, friends!!