Friday, June 7, 2013

Woo-hoo!! Two posts in one week!

(To the tune of "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story)

I've been busy
Oh, so busy
Laminating and creating
For myyyyyyyyyy
Fifth grade classroom
So my walls
Are not
So bare
{Tra-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la-la!} <--that is the sound of the trumpets and castanets, in case you didn't put that together...

I have been busy this week, as my little diddy says, doing some laminating and creating (not in that order, though)!  Just checking things off my to-do/to-create list before July rolls around and life speeds up a lot.

Here are some of my latest creations {keep in mind, they are ideas from Pinterest, not my own...}
I've seen the idea for "Cranium Club" in the classroom, so these are some of the signs I've made for my classroom's CC! (Rules and different signs for those who have completed x-amount of challenges)

These are the different challenges for my classroom Cranium Club

These are the choices for my "I'm what?" section for once students finish their assignments.

An organized classroom is a happy I've made these labels for my turn-in trays.

I've LOVED these boards since I first saw them!  This is for my writing VOICES board.

And this is for my reading CRAFT board.
In addition to these lovelies, I've also replanned my classroom (on paper) and planned out all {ahem...almost all} of my bulletin boards.  Yeah, had a night when I couldn't sleep, so that's what I did.  Awesome, eh?

So.....yeah, that's about it for today. :)  Happy day!

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